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Six Advantages of Attending a Women’s Pro Sporting Event

Going to a women’s professional sporting event is one of the most effective ways an everyday person can support female athletics. For one, you’re providing the league and team franchise with revenue. This is important mainly because players are currently struggling to earn a sufficient salary. In the video, Kyle and I are at a Canadian Women’s Hockey League game. This is the first year that league is even paying their players. The salaries start as low as $2,000 a year and go as

high as $10,000. As a result, the players have to work day jobs on top of all their team commitments, film sessions, training, conditioning sessions and games. Working a full-time job in addition to being on a professional sports team is insane. It’s exhausting, and there’s no time for the players to see their families, conduct self-care, etcetera. So, every dollar counts. Ordering tickets online is no harder than purchasing tickets to the men’s games you and your peers go to all the time.

Secondly: your presence. Just sitting there in your seat shows the world your interest. That interest encourages the media to cover games, it urges large companies to pay the league and put up advertisements, and it sets an example for other people to come on out and support.

Yes, going to a professional women’s sporting event definitely does the league, teams and players a huge favour and yahdee, yahdee, yah. But . . . what’s in it for you ?  WELL….

Okay let’s compare the pricing of Toronto’s professional men’s hockey team, the Maple Leafs, to their professional women’s hockey team, the Furies. If Kyle and I had sat in the exact same kind of seating at a regular season Leafs game as we did at the Furies game, we would be paying as low as $252. Kyle and I paid $15 for our Furies tickets . . . and we got the best seats in the house. Even the worst seats at a Leafs game go as low as $100. That’s more than five times the amount we got our sick, bomb.com tickets for. It’s hard to find tickets to professional women’s games that are more than $50. The average pricing is around $20 for most teams.

Professional women’s sports games don’t take place in huge facilities. Therefore no matter where you sit, you’re pretty much guaranteed to be right beside the playing surface. You can see in the video just how close all the fans are to the ice. Kyle and I are in the back row, so there’s no one behind us. We were the furthest from the ice as it was possible to be. Some games, like the one we were at, are even general sitting, so if you arrive early enough you can choose to sit anywhere you want.

Nope, no there are not any drunken crazies sitting behind you, shaking their beer in the air and spilling it all over your head while yelling their brains out at a call a referee made that was actually a good call. Obviously people yell and some get a little into it, but nobody’s sloshed and saying questionable things that make you wonder if you should cover your kids’ ears. Most of the fans are friendly, humble fellows who just want to support the players and watch a good game of hockey.

Although some people appreciate the fighting aspect in men’s hockey, I appreciate that at a women’s hockey game, you get a hockey game. The players don’t give you a side dish of boxing. It’s a clean, civil match and the helmets stay on. It’s hockey.

What?! Yeah, that’s right. You know exactly where you parked, you get in your car, and you’re out of the parking lot and on the highway towards home all within five minutes. There aren’t enough people to generate oodles of traffic and cause you to waste an hour just trying to get out of the general area.

It’s a PROFESSIONAL Sporting Event
You get all these advantages and you think hmmm . . . this is fishy, how can a professional sports game provide this flawless of an experience? But that’s the beauty of it, my friends. These gals are the female counterparts of the male athletes you pay your week’s earnings to go and watch at huge stadiums. The ladies before your eyes have trained for this their whole lives. Take in the fact that you’re watching some of the best athletes in the continent . . . for a cheap price and in stellar seats. Who in their right mind doesn’t want to take advantage of that?

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